Have You Registered With The Selective Service System What Should I Answer
How practice I know if I am registered with Selective Service?
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I am currently filling out an awarding for a science enquiry grant from the Department of Defence. In the online application, information technology asks me the following question:
Are y'all registered with Selective Service?
- Yes
- No
- I am not required to register
Every bit far every bit I know, whatsoever of the above could be the reply! I just have no idea, nor do I know how the average person would know this.
I am a 22-year-old female US citizen who was built-in in the U.s.. I have never had whatsoever sort of affiliation with the military.
Am I automatically registered, every bit a citizen?
Am I not registered, if I never did register?
Am I not required to register?
Please help!
- Flag every bit...
- war
- women
- military
- United States
- application
- registration
- selective service
- confusion
- citizenship
- typhoon
- forms
- grant
- Department of Defense
- automaticity
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Have You Registered With The Selective Service System What Should I Answer,
Source: https://www.fluther.com/25269/how-do-i-know-if-i-am-registered-with-selective-service/
Posted by: bettonmisfor98.blogspot.com
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