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From Wikipedia, the gratuitous encyclopedia Spring to navigation Jump to search For other uses, see Chicken (disambiguation).The game of chicken, also known as the hawk–pigeon game or snowdrift game,[1] is a model of conflict for two players in game theory. The principle of the game is that while it is to both players' do good if one thespian yields, the other player'south optimal choice depends on what their opponent is doing: if the player opponent yields, they should not, but if the opponent fails to yield, the player should.The name 'chicken' has its origins in a game in which two drivers drive towards each other on a collision course: ane must swerve, or both may die in the crash, but if one commuter swerves and the other does non, the one who swerved will be called a 'chicken', meaning a coward; this terminology is most prevalent in political science and economic science. The proper noun 'hawk–dove' refers to a state of affairs in which there is a competition for a shared resource and the contestants can choose either conciliation or conflict; this terminology is near commonly used in biology and evolutionary game theory. From a game-theoretic betoken of view, 'chicken' and 'hawk–dove' are identical; the dissimilar names stem from parallel development of the basic principles in dissimilar enquiry areas.[2] The game has also been used to describe the mutual assured destruction of nuclear warfare, especially the sort of brinkmanship involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.[three]Contents1 Popular versions2 Game theoretic applications2.1 Chicken2.2 Hawk–dove2.2.1 Hawk–dove variants2.2.2 Pre-commitment3 Best response mapping and Nash equilibria3.1 Strategy polymorphism vs strategy mixing4 Symmetry breaking4.1 Correlated equilibrium and the game of chicken4.2 Uncorrelated asymmetries and solutions to the hawk–dove game5 Replicator dynamics6 Related strategies and games6.1 Brinkmanship6.2 War of attrition6.3 Militarist–dove and war of attrition6.4 Chicken and prisoner's dilemma7 Schedule craven and project management8 Meet also9 Notes10 References11 External linksPopular versions[edit]The game of chicken models two drivers, both headed for a single-lane bridge from reverse directions. The first to swerve away yields the span to the other. If neither histrion swerves, the result is a costly deadlock in the middle of the span, or a potentially fatal head-on collision. It is presumed that the all-time matter for each driver is to stay straight while the other swerves (since the other is the 'chicken' while a crash is avoided). Additionally, a crash is presumed to be the worst outcome for both players. This yields a situation where each role player, in attempting to secure their best upshot, risks the worst.The phrase game of craven is too used as a metaphor for a situation where two parties appoint in a showdown where they have zip to gain, and only pride stops them from backing down. Bertrand Russell famously compared the game of Chicken to nuclear brinkmanship:Since the nuclear stalemate became credible, the Governments of East and W take adopted the policy which Mr. Dulles calls 'brinkmanship'. This is a policy adapted from a sport which, I am told, is expert by some youthful degenerates. This sport is chosen 'Chicken!'. Information technology is played past choosing a long directly road with a white line downwards the middle and starting 2 very fast cars towards each other from opposite ends. Each car is expected to continue the wheels on one side of the white line. As they approach each other, mutual destruction becomes more and more imminent. If i of them swerves from the white line before the other, the other, as they pass, shouts 'Chicken!', and the one who has swerved becomes an object of contempt. Every bit played by irresponsible boys, this game is considered decadent and immoral, though only the lives of the players are risked. Simply when the game is played by eminent statesmen, who adventure not simply their own lives but those of many hundreds of millions of human beings, it is thought on both sides that the statesmen on one side are displaying a high caste of wisdom and courage, and only the statesmen on the other side are reprehensible. This, of course, is absurd. Both are to blame for playing such an incredibly dangerous game. The game may be played without misfortune a few times, but sooner or later it will come to exist felt that loss of face is more dreadful than nuclear annihilation. The moment will come when neither side can face the derisive cry of 'Craven!' from the other side. When that moment is come, the statesmen of both sides volition plunge the world into destruction.[three]Brinkmanship involves the introduction of an element of uncontrollable risk: even if all players human action rationally in the face of gamble, uncontrollable events tin withal trigger the catastrophic issue.[iv] In the 'chickie run' scene from the moving picture Rebel Without a Cause, this happens when Buzz cannot escape from the car and dies in the crash. The opposite scenario occurs in Fancy-free where Ren McCormack is stuck in his tractor and hence wins the game as they cannot play 'chicken'. The bones game-theoretic formulation of Craven has no chemical element of variable, potentially catastrophic, take a chance, and is also the contraction of a dynamic situation into a ane-shot interaction.The hawk–dove version of the game imagines two players (animals) contesting an indivisible resource who tin choose between two strategies, one more than escalated than the other.[v] They tin can use threat displays (play Dove), or physically set on each other (play Militarist). If both players choose the Hawk strategy, then they fight until one is injured and the other wins. If only one player chooses Hawk, then this actor defeats the Dove player. If both players play Dove, there is a tie, and each thespian receives a payoff lower than the turn a profit of a hawk defeating a dove.Game theoretic applications[edit]Chicken[edit]SwerveStraightSwerveTie, TieLose, WinStraightWin, LoseCrash, CrashFig. ane: A payoff matrix of ChickenSwerveStraightSwerve0, 0-i,  1Straight 1, -1-1000, -1000Fig. ii: Chicken with numerical payoffsA formal version of the game of Chicken has been the subject of serious research in game theory.[6] Two versions of the payoff matrix for this game are presented here (Figures 1 and two). In Effigy 1, the outcomes are represented in words, where each player would prefer to win over tying, prefer to tie over losing, and prefer to lose over crashing. Figure 2 presents arbitrarily set numerical payoffs which theoretically conform to this state of affairs. Here, the benefit of winning is 1, the cost of losing is -1, and the toll of crashing is -one thousand.Both Chicken and Hawk–Pigeon are anti-coordination games, in which it is mutually benign for the players to play different strategies. In this way, information technology can exist thought of equally the opposite of a coordination game, where playing the aforementioned strategy Pareto dominates playing dissimilar strategies. The underlying concept is that players use a shared resource. In coordination games, sharing the resource creates a do good for all: the resource is not-rivalrous, and the shared usage creates positive externalities. In anti-coordination games the resource is rivalrous but non-excludable and sharing comes at a cost (or negative externality).Because the loss of swerving is so trivial compared to the crash that occurs if nobody swerves, the reasonable strategy would seem to be to swerve before a crash is likely. Withal, knowing this, if i believes ane's opponent to exist reasonable, one may well decide non to swerve at all, in the conventionalities that they will be reasonable and decide to swerve, leaving the other player the winner. This unstable situation tin exist formalized by proverb there is more than one Nash equilibrium, which is a pair of strategies for which neither player gains by changing their own strategy while the other stays the aforementioned. (In this instance, the pure strategy equilibria are the two situations wherein one player swerves while the other does not.)Militarist–dove[edit]HawkDoveHawk(V−C)/2, (5−C)/2V, 0Dove0, VV/2, V/2Fig. 3: Militarist–Dove gameHawkDoveHawkX, XW, LDoveL, WT, TFig. four: General Militarist–Dove gameMain article: Evolutionary game theoryIn the biological literature, this game is known as Hawk–Dove. The earliest presentation of a form of the Militarist–Pigeon game was by John Maynard Smith and George Price in their paper, 'The logic of creature conflict'.[7] The traditional [five][8] payoff matrix for the Hawk–Dove game is given in Figure 3, where 5 is the value of the contested resources, and C is the price of an escalated fight. It is (well-nigh ever) causeless that the value of the resources is less than the toll of a fight, i.e., C > 5 > 0. If C ≤ V, the resulting game is non a game of Craven merely is instead a Prisoner's Dilemma. Militarist–Dove transforming into Prisoner'south Dilemma. As C becomes smaller than V, the mixed strategy equilibrium moves to the pure strategy equilibrium of both players playing hawk (see Replicator dynamics).The exact value of the Dove vs. Dove payoff varies between model formulations. Sometimes the players are assumed to split the payoff equally (V/2 each), other times the payoff is assumed to be zero (since this is the expected payoff to a state of war of attrition game, which is the presumed models for a contest decided by brandish elapsing).While the Hawk–Dove game is typically taught and discussed with the payoffs in terms of V and C, the solutions hold true for any matrix with the payoffs in Figure 4, where W > T > L > X.[8]Hawk–dove variants[edit]Biologists have explored modified versions of classic Hawk–Dove game to investigate a number of biologically relevant factors. These include adding variation in resource property potential, and differences in the value of winning to the unlike players,[9] assuasive the players to threaten each other before choosing moves in the game,[10] and extending the interaction to two plays of the game.[xi]Pre-commitment[edit]Ane tactic in the game is for 1 party to signal their intentions convincingly before the game begins. For example, if 1 party were to ostentatiously disable their steering wheel merely before the lucifer, the other party would exist compelled to swerve.[12] This shows that, in some circumstances, reducing 1's own options tin can exist a practiced strategy. One real-earth example is a protester who handcuffs themselves to an object, so that no threat tin can be made which would compel them to move (since they cannot movement). Another example, taken from fiction, is found in Stanley Kubrick'due south Dr. Strangelove. In that film, the Russians sought to deter American attack by building a 'doomsday auto', a device that would trigger world annihilation if Russia was hit by nuclear weapons or if whatsoever effort were made to disarm it. Nevertheless, the Russians had planned to signal the deployment of the machine a few days after having set it up, which, because of an unfortunate class of events, turned out to be as well tardily.Players may too brand not-binding threats to not swerve. This has been modeled explicitly in the Hawk–Dove game. Such threats work, merely must be wastefully plush if the threat is one of two possible signals ('I will not swerve'/'I will swerve'), or they will exist gratis if there are iii or more signals (in which case the signals will function as a game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors').[x]Best response mapping and Nash equilibria[edit] Fig.5 - Reaction correspondences for both players in a discoordination game. Compare with replicator dynamic vector fields belowAll anti-coordination games have three Nash equilibria. Two of these are pure contingent strategy profiles, in which each player plays one of the pair of strategies, and the other player chooses the reverse strategy. The third one is a mixed equilibrium, in which each actor probabilistically chooses betwixt the two pure strategies. Either the pure, or mixed, Nash equilibria will be evolutionarily stable strategies depending upon whether uncorrelated asymmetries exist.The best response mapping for all 2x2 anti-coordination games is shown in Figure 5. The variables ten and y in Figure 5 are the probabilities of playing the escalated strategy ('Hawk' or 'Don't swerve') for players X and Y respectively. The line in graph on the left shows the optimum probability of playing the escalated strategy for player Y equally a function of ten. The line in the 2d graph shows the optimum probability of playing the escalated strategy for player X as a office of y (the axes take not been rotated, then the dependent variable is plotted on the abscissa, and the independent variable is plotted on the ordinate). The Nash equilibria are where the players' correspondences hold, i.east., cross. These are shown with points in the correct hand graph. The best response mappings hold (i.e., cross) at three points. The first 2 Nash equilibria are in the top left and lesser right corners, where ane player chooses one strategy, the other role player chooses the opposite strategy. The third Nash equilibrium is a mixed strategy which lies along the diagonal from the bottom left to tiptop correct corners. If the players do not know which ane of them is which, then the mixed Nash is an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), as play is confined to the bottom left to top right diagonal line. Otherwise an uncorrelated asymmetry is said to be, and the corner Nash equilibria are ESSes.Strategy polymorphism vs strategy mixing[edit]The ESS for the Hawk–Dove game is a mixed strategy. Formal game theory is indifferent to whether this mixture is due to all players in a population choosing randomly between the two pure strategies (a range of possible instinctive reactions for a single state of affairs) or whether the population is a polymorphic mixture of players defended to choosing a detail pure strategy(a single reaction differing from individual to individual). Biologically, these two options are strikingly different ideas. The Hawk–Pigeon game has been used as a basis for evolutionary simulations to explore which of these two modes of mixing ought to predominate in reality.[13]Symmetry breaking[edit]In both 'Chicken' and 'Hawk–Dove', the only symmetric Nash equilibrium is the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium, where both individuals randomly chose between playing Militarist/Straight or Pigeon/Swerve. This mixed strategy equilibrium is often sub-optimal—both players would practice meliorate if they could coordinate their actions in some way. This observation has been made independently in two different contexts, with well-nigh identical results.[xiv]Correlated equilibrium and the game of chicken[edit]DareChickenDare0,07,2Chicken2,76,6Fig. 6: A version of ChickenConsider the version of 'Craven' pictured in Effigy 6. Like all forms of the game, there are three Nash equilibria. The ii pure strategy Nash equilibria are (D, C) and (C, D). There is besides a mixed strategy equilibrium where each actor Dares with probability one/3. It results in expected payoffs of 14/three = 4.667 for each histrion.Now consider a 3rd party (or some natural outcome) that draws ane of three cards labeled: (C, C), (D, C), and (C, D). This exogenous depict event is assumed to be uniformly at random over the iii outcomes. Later on cartoon the card the third party informs the players of the strategy assigned to them on the card (but not the strategy assigned to their opponent). Suppose a role player is assigned D, they would not want to deviate supposing the other player played their assigned strategy since they will get 7 (the highest payoff possible). Suppose a player is assigned C. Then the other histrion has been assigned C with probability one/2 and D with probability 1/ii (due to the nature of the exogenous depict). The expected utility of Daring is 0(one/2) 7(1/2) = three.5 and the expected utility of chickening out is 2(one/two) 6(i/2) = 4. So, the player would prefer to chicken out.Since neither actor has an incentive to deviate from the drawn assignments, this probability distribution over the strategies is known as a correlated equilibrium of the game. Notably, the expected payoff for this equilibrium is 7(ane/3) 2(ane/three) 6(ane/three) = 5 which is higher than the expected payoff of the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium.Uncorrelated asymmetries and solutions to the militarist–dove game[edit]Although there are three Nash equilibria in the Militarist–Dove game, the one which emerges as the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) depends upon the existence of any uncorrelated asymmetry in the game (in the sense of anti-coordination games). In order for row players to choose one strategy and column players the other, the players must be able to distinguish which office (cavalcade or row player) they have. If no such uncorrelated asymmetry exists and so both players must choose the same strategy, and the ESS will be the mixing Nash equilibrium. If in that location is an uncorrelated asymmetry, then the mixing Nash is not an ESS, only the two pure, role contingent, Nash equilibria are.The standard biological estimation of this uncorrelated disproportion is that one player is the territory possessor, while the other is an intruder on the territory. In well-nigh cases, the territory owner plays Hawk while the intruder plays Dove. In this sense, the evolution of strategies in Militarist–Pigeon can be seen as the evolution of a sort of prototypical version of ownership. Game-theoretically, however, there is nothing special about this solution. The reverse solution—where the owner plays dove and the intruder plays Militarist—is equally stable. In fact, this solution is present in a certain species of spider; when an invader appears the occupying spider leaves. In order to explain the prevalence of belongings rights over 'anti-property rights' one must detect a style to break this boosted symmetry.[14]Replicator dynamics[edit] Fig 7a: Vector field for two population replicator dynamics and Hawk–DoveReplicator dynamics is a simple model of strategy change commonly used in evolutionary game theory. In this model, a strategy which does better than the average increases in frequency at the expense of strategies that do worse than the average. There are 2 versions of the replicator dynamics. In ane version, there is a unmarried population which plays confronting itself. In another, there are two population models where each population but plays against the other population (and not confronting itself).In the 1 population model, the but stable state is the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium. Every initial population proportion (except all Hawk and all Dove) converge to the mixed strategy Nash Equilibrium where role of the population plays Hawk and role of the population plays Dove. (This occurs because the only ESS is the mixed strategy equilibrium.) In the two population model, this mixed signal becomes unstable. In fact, the merely stable states in the 2 population model correspond to the pure strategy equilibria, where i population is composed of all Hawks and the other of all Doves. In this model one population becomes the aggressive population while the other becomes passive. This model is illustrated by the vector field pictured in Effigy 7a. The one-dimensional vector field of the single population model (Effigy 7b) corresponds to the lesser left to top right diagonal of the two population model. Fig. 7b: Vector field for unmarried population replicator dynamicsThe single population model presents a situation where no uncorrelated asymmetries exist, and so the all-time players can do is randomize their strategies. The ii population models provide such an disproportion and the members of each population will so use that to correlate their strategies. In the two population model, one population gains at the expense of another. Militarist–Dove and Chicken thus illustrate an interesting example where the qualitative results for the two different versions of the replicator dynamics differ wildly.[fifteen]Related strategies and games[edit]Brinkmanship[edit]'Craven' and 'Brinkmanship' are often used synonymously in the context of disharmonize, but in the strict game-theoretic sense, 'brinkmanship' refers to a strategic motility designed to avert the possibility of the opponent switching to aggressive behavior. The move involves a apparent threat of the risk of irrational behavior in the face of assailment. If player 1 unilaterally moves to A, a rational thespian 2 cannot retaliate since (A, C) is preferable to (A, A). Only if role player 1 has grounds to believe that there is sufficient gamble that role player two responds irrationally (usually past giving up control over the response, so that there is sufficient risk that player 2 responds with A) player 1 will retract and agree on the compromise.War of attrition[edit]Like 'Chicken', the 'War of attrition' game models escalation of conflict, simply they differ in the class in which the conflict can escalate. Chicken models a state of affairs in which the catastrophic effect differs in kind from the agreeable result, e.g., if the disharmonize is over life and decease. War of attrition models a situation in which the outcomes differ only in degrees, such equally a battle match in which the contestants have to make up one's mind whether the ultimate prize of victory is worth the ongoing cost of deteriorating health and stamina.Hawk–pigeon and war of attrition[edit]The Hawk–Dove game is the almost unremarkably used game theoretical model of ambitious interactions in biology.[16] The state of war of attrition is some other very influential model of aggression in biology. The two models investigate slightly unlike questions. The Hawk–Dove game is a model of escalation, and addresses the question of when ought an individual escalate to dangerously costly physical combat. The war of attrition seeks to answer the question of how contests may be resolved when there is no possibility of concrete combat. The state of war of attrition is an sale in which both players pay the lower bid (an all-pay second price auction). The bids are assumed to exist the duration which the player is willing to persist in making a plush threat display. Both players accrue costs while displaying at each other, the contest ends when the individual making the lower bid quits. Both players will then have paid the lower bid.Chicken and prisoner'southward dilemma[edit]Chicken is a symmetrical 2x2 game with conflicting interests, the preferred event is to play Direct while the opponent plays Swerve. Similarly, the prisoner'southward dilemma is a symmetrical 2x2 game with alien interests: the preferred effect is to Defect while the opponent plays Cooperate. PD is about the impossibility of cooperation while Chicken is about the inevitability of conflict. Iterated play tin can solve PD but non Chicken.DefectCooperateDefectNTCooperatePCPrisoner's dilemma. Payoff ranks (to Row player) are: Temptation > Coordination > Neutral > Penalisation.Both games have a desirable cooperative outcome in which both players choose the less escalated strategy, Swerve-Swerve in the Chicken game, and Cooperate-Cooperate in the prisoner'southward dilemma, such that players receive the Coordination payoff C (see tables below). The temptation abroad from this sensible outcome is towards a Straight motility in Chicken and a Defect move in the prisoner'southward dilemma (generating the Temptation payoff, should the other histrion use the less escalated move). The essential difference between these two games is that in the prisoner's dilemma, the Cooperate strategy is dominated, whereas in Chicken the equivalent movement is non dominated since the outcome payoffs when the opponent plays the more escalated move (Directly in place of Defect) are reversed.StraightSwerveStraightPTSwerveNCChicken/Hawk–Dove. Payoff ranks (to Row player) are: Temptation > Coordination > Neutral > Punishment.Schedule craven and project management[edit]The term 'schedule craven'[17] is used in project management and software development circles. The status occurs when ii or more areas of a production team claim they can deliver features at an unrealistically early date because each assumes the other teams are stretching the predictions even more than than they are. This pretense continually moves forward past 1 project checkpoint to the side by side until feature integration begins or just before the functionality is actually due.The practice of 'schedule chicken'[18] oftentimes results in contagious schedule slips due to the inter-team dependencies and is difficult to identify and resolve, as it is in the best interest of each squad non to be the first bearer of bad news. The psychological drivers underlining the 'schedule chicken' behavior in many ways mimic the militarist–dove or snowdrift model of conflict.[19]See also[edit]BrinkmanshipCoordination gameFireship, a naval tactic of intentional suicidal ramming into an enemy shipMatching penniesVolunteer'south dilemmaWar of attritionPrisoner's dilemmaNotes[edit]^ Sugden, R. The Economics of Rights, Cooperation and Welfare 2 edition, page 132. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.^ Osborne and Rubenstein (1994) p. 30.^ a b Russell (1959) p. 30.^ Dixit and Nalebuff (1991) pp. 205–222.^ a b Smith, J. M.; Parker, G. A. (1976). 'The logic of asymmetric contests'. Animal Behaviour. 24: 159–175. doi:10.1016/S0003-3472(76)80110-8.^ Rapoport and Chammah (1966) pp. 10–fourteen and 23–28.^ Maynard-Smith, J.; Cost, One thousand. R. (1973). 'The Logic of Animal Conflict'. Nature. 246 (5427): 15–18. Bibcode:1973Natur.246...15S. doi:10.1038/246015a0.^ a b Smith, John (1982). Evolution and the theory of games. Cambridge New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-28884-ii.^ Hammerstein (1981).^ a b Kim (1995).^ Cressman (1995).^ Kahn (1965), cited in Rapoport and Chammah (1966)^ Bergstrom and Goddfrey-Smith (1998)^ a b Skyrms (1996) pp. 76–79.^ Weibull (1995) pp. 183–184.^ Maynard Smith, J. 1998. Evolutionary Genetics. Oxford University Printing. ISBN 978-0-nineteen-850231-9^ Rising, L: The Patterns Handbook: Techniques, Strategies, and Applications, folio 169. Cambridge University Printing, 1998.^ Beck, K and Fowler, M: Planning Extreme Programming, page 33. Safari Tech Books, 2000.^ Martin T. 'Macronomics: February 2012'. Retrieved 2012-08-13.References[edit]Bergstrom, C. T. and Godfrey-Smith, P. (1998). 'On the evolution of behavioral heterogeneity in individuals and populations'. Biological science and Philosophy. 13 (2): 205–231. doi:10.1023/A:1006588918909.CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors listing (link)Cressman, R. (1995). 'Evolutionary Stability for Two-stage Militarist-Dove Games'. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics. 25: 145–155. doi:10.1216/rmjm/1181072273.Deutsch, Yard. (1974). The Resolution of Conflict: Constructive and Destructive Processes. Yale University Printing, New Haven. ISBN 978-0-300-01683-iii.Dixit, A.Thousand. and Nalebuff, B.J. (1991). Thinking Strategically. W.W. Norton. ISBN 0-393-31035-3.CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list (link)Fink, E.C.; Gates, S.; Humes, B.D. (1998). Game Theory Topics: Incomplete Information, Repeated Games, and N-Player Games. Sage. ISBN 0-7619-1016-6.Hammerstein, P. (1981). 'The Part of Asymmetries in Animal Contests'. Animate being Behaviour. 29: 193–205. doi:x.1016/S0003-3472(81)80166-ii.Kahn, H. (1965). On escalation: metaphors and scenarios. Praeger Publ. Co., New York. ISBN 978-0-313-25163-4.Kim, Y-G. (1995). 'Status signaling games in animate being contests'. Periodical of Theoretical Biology. 176 (2): 221–231. doi:ten.1006/jtbi.1995.0193. PMID 7475112.Osborne, M.J. and Rubinstein, A. (1994). A course in game theory. MIT press. ISBN 0-262-65040-ane.CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list (link)Maynard Smith, J. (1982). Development and the Theory of Games. Cambridge University Printing. ISBN 978-0-521-28884-2.Maynard Smith, J. and Parker, Thousand.A. (1976). 'The logic of disproportionate contests'. Fauna Behaviour. 24: 159–175. doi:10.1016/S0003-3472(76)80110-8.CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list (link)Maynard Smith, J. and Price, Grand.R. (1973). 'The logic of animal conflict'. Nature. 246 (5427): 15–eighteen. Bibcode:1973Natur.246...15S. doi:10.1038/246015a0.CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors listing (link)Moore, C.Westward. (1986). The Arbitration Process: Applied Strategies for Resolving Conflict. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. ISBN 978-0-87589-673-1.Rapoport, A. and Chammah, A.M. (1966). 'The Game of Chicken'. American Behavioral Scientist. 10: 10–28. doi:10.1177/000276426601000303.CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list (link)Russell, B.W. (1959). Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare. George Allen and Unwin, London. ISBN 0-04-172003-two.Skyrms, Brian (1996). Evolution of the Social Contract. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-55583-3.Weibull, Jörgen Westward. (1995). Evolutionary Game Theory. Cambridge, MA: MIT Printing. ISBN 0-262-23181-6.External links[edit]The game of Chicken every bit a metaphor for human being conflictGame-theoretic analysis of ChickenGame of Chicken – Rebel Without a Cause past Elmer G. Wiens.Online model: Expected Dynamics of an Faux Model in the Hawk-Dove GameOnline model: Expected Dynamics of an Intra-Population Simulated Model in the Two-Population Hawk-Dove GamevteTopics in game theoryDefinitionsCooperative gameDeterminacyEscalation of commitmentExtensive-class gameFirst-thespian and 2nd-player winGame complexityGraphical gameHierarchy of beliefsInformation setNormal-form gamePreferenceSequential gameSimultaneous gameSimultaneous activity selectionSolved gameSuccinct gameEquilibriumconceptsNash equilibriumSubgame perfectionMertens-stable equilibriumBayesian Nash equilibriumPerfect Bayesian equilibriumTrembling handProper equilibriumEpsilon-equilibriumCorrelated equilibriumSequential equilibriumQuasi-perfect equilibriumEvolutionarily stable strategyRisk dominance CoreShapley valuePareto efficiencyGibbs equilibriumQuantal response equilibriumSelf-confirming equilibriumStrong Nash equilibriumMarkov perfect equilibriumStrategiesDominant strategiesPure strategyMixed strategyStrategy-stealing argumentTit for tatGrim triggerCollusionBackward inductionForward inductionMarkov strategyClassesof gamesSymmetric gamePerfect informationRepeated gameSignaling gameScreening gameCheap talkZero-sum gameMechanism designBargaining problemStochastic gamen-player gameLarge Poisson gameNontransitive gameGlobal gameStrictly determined gamePotential gameGamesGoChessInfinite chessCheckersTic-tac-toePrisoner'southward dilemmaOptional prisoner's dilemmaTraveler'due south dilemmaCoordination gameChickenCentipede gameVolunteer's dilemmaDollar auctionBattle of the sexesStag huntMatching penniesUltimatum gameRock–newspaper–scissorsPirate gameDictator gamePublic goods gameBlotto gameWar of attritionEl Farol Bar problemFair divisionFair cake-cuttingCournot gameDeadlockDiner's dilemmaGuess 2/3 of the averageKuhn pokerNash bargaining gamePrisoners and hats puzzleTrust gamePrincess and Monster gameRendezvous problemTheoremsArrow's impossibility theoremAumann's agreement theoremFolk theoremMinimax theoremNash's theoremPurification theoremRevelation principleZermelo'south theoremKeyfiguresAlbert W. TuckerAmos TverskyAriel RubinsteinClaude ShannonDaniel KahnemanDavid 1000. LevineDavid M. KrepsDonald B. GilliesDrew FudenbergEric MaskinHarold W. KuhnHerbert SimonHervé MoulinJean TiroleJean-François MertensJennifer Tour ChayesJohn HarsanyiJohn Maynard SmithAntoine Augustin CournotJohn NashJohn von NeumannKenneth ArrowKenneth BinmoreLeonid HurwiczLloyd ShapleyMelvin DresherMerrill Grand. FloodOlga BondarevaOskar MorgensternPaul MilgromPeyton YoungReinhard SeltenRobert AxelrodRobert AumannRobert B. 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Text is available under the Artistic Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License;additional terms may use. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a not-turn a profit organization. Privacy policy Nearly Wikipedia Disclaimers Contact Wikipedia Developers Cookie statement Mobile viewBy Allrecipes Editors Facebook Twitter Google Pinterest StumbleUpon Roast Craven | Photograph by Meredith How to Roast a Whole Chicken Learn how to make perfect roast chicken right in your own kitchen! We'll tell you the tools, spices, and cooking tips yous'll need to roast a whole chicken, including how long to cook it and how to get the juiciest meat, crispiest peel, and most delectable season. Is your mouth watering nevertheless? Permit's become started! Roasting Tools All you need is a roasting pan (or a rimmed baking sheet in a pinch) and an instant-read thermometer. Setting a roasting rack into the pan is optional but volition help the chicken cook more evenly, since air can circulate freely under the craven. With a roasting rack, the craven won't be resting in its own drippings, which will requite you crispier skin. For easier cleanup, y'all can line the pan with aluminum foil. You lot can also spatchcock (aka butterfly) your chicken, or remove the backbone and flatten it out before roasting on a flat rack in a roasting pan or rimmed blistering sheet. A spatchcocked craven roasts more rapidly and evenly and results in lots of crispy skin. Read more near how to spatchcock and roast the juiciest chicken ever. Brining Chicken (Optional) One secret to really flavorful, juicy roast chicken is brining: either wet-brining by soaking in salt h2o or dry-brining by rubbing the chicken with common salt. If your craven is kosher, you're in luck: it's already brined. How to wet-brine a non-kosher craven: Dissolve ½ cup kosher salt (or ¼ loving cup salt) in two quarts of water. Immerse the chicken completely in the solution and place in the refrigerator. You should let it soak for at to the lowest degree 1 hour, but no longer than five or vi hours. Pour off the brine, rinse the chicken under common cold running water, and pat it dry with paper towels. For extra-crispy skin, return the bird to the refrigerator and permit information technology air-dry for another hour, or overnight, before roasting. How to dry out-alkali a non-kosher chicken: Measure out 1 tablespoon kosher salt (not table common salt) for every v pounds of chicken. You can add together dry spices or lemon zest if yous'd like, just it's the salt that will brand the chicken juicy. Sprinkle the table salt inside and outside the chicken. Cover the chicken loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours or up to 3 days. If you refrigerate for 3 days, uncover the chicken during the final eight hours so the skin tin can air dry. This creates the crispiest skin. No need to rinse the bird, just pat dry every bit needed and keep with the recipe of your selection. Just retrieve the chicken drippings will be salty, and then taste them before adding any more seasoning to the pan sauce or gravy. If you're not brining, pat the craven dry with paper towels to remove actress moisture and help the skin brown. For more on brining your bird, check out How to Brine Turkey. Roast Chicken Flavour-Boosters A chicken roasted with cipher but table salt, pepper, and butter is very tasty indeed. But information technology's also easy to build on these basic flavors. Chop upwardly fresh herbs and tuck them under the chicken'due south skin forth with a few pats of butter, or stuff sprigs into the chicken cavity along with quartered onions and cloves of garlic. Wedges of effluvious fruit such as lemons or oranges volition perfume the bird as it roasts, infusing the meat and the pan juices with extra flavor. Photo by Baking Nana Roast Chicken Dry Rubs Many cooks use a dry rub — a blend of dried and basis spices — rubbing them under the craven'southward skin and within the cavity. Since they're under the skin, the flavorings won't burn; plus they'll infuse the meat. This is a dandy manner to add together some spice if y'all'll be discarding the skin. For a Southwestern flavor, try chile powder or pureed fresh chiles, cumin, and sage. For an Indian-inspired bird, mix together equal parts ground coriander and cumin, plus turmeric and a compression or ii of cardamom or garam masala. To give the craven a Thai flair, try a paste of ginger, lemon grass, green chilies, cilantro, and lime juice. Bank check out our drove of Rub Recipes. Peel On or Off? Crispy, fragrant roast craven skin is delicious, just tin can be fatty. Only whether you eat it or remove it, always roast with the peel on, as it holds in moisture and keeps the meat from drying out. How to Truss a Chicken for Roasting If yous're roasting a whole chicken that's not been spatchcocked (see above), y'all tin truss the bird before roasting it — that is, tie it with butcher's twine to keep the legs shut to the body. This is not an essential step, but it does make the chicken slightly easier to handle, and information technology helps hold the stuffing in if yous've stuffed the chicken. To truss a chicken, cut nigh a iii-foot length of heatproof butcher'southward twine. Lay the chicken on a clean surface with the breast facing up. Hold 1 end of the string in each paw, and loop the center of the string underneath the chicken'due south tail. Catch the ends of the legs inside the string, then cross the string over the chicken's breast, making an X. Loop the cord nether and around the wings, and so tie the string snugly in a knot across the middle of the breast. Brand sure that the ends of the wings are tucked in. Trussing the bird | Photograph past Meredith Roasting Methods There are two methods for roasting a whole chicken: 1. Regular-heat method: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Roast whole (thawed) chickens for 20 minutes per pound, plus an boosted 15 minutes. 2. High-heat method (this creates a crispy, darker skin): Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C) and melt whole (thawed) chicken for 10-xv minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and roast for 20 minutes per pound. (Do not add the extra 15 minutes to the cooking time as with the regular method.) VIDEO: Orange Herb Roasted Chicken Here'south a roast chicken recipe that follows the regular-rut method.   How to Tell When Your Roast Craven Is Done Whether y'all roast a craven using the regular-heat or high-oestrus method, a whole craven is fix when a instant-read meat thermometer inserted into the inner thigh (close to simply not touching the thigh os) reads at least 165 degrees F (74 degrees C). The temperature of the meat will continue to rise slightly when you lot pull it out of the oven (this is called 'carryover cooking'), so if the thermometer shows a few degrees below the target, give it a few minutes to residuum — the internal temperature might nonetheless rise to at least 165 degrees F (74 degrees C). When you lot remove the chicken from the oven, cover it loosely with a doubled sheet of aluminum foil, and permit information technology rest for 10 minutes before slicing. This redistributes the juices and results in moister chicken. Ready when information technology hits 165 | Photo by Meredith How Long to Roast a Chicken Utilise this chart to decide how long to roast your chicken: Roasting Times Nautical chart Weight (in lbs.) Regular Method High Heat Method 2.five to iii 1 60 minutes 15 minutes 1 hour three to iii.5 i hour 25 minutes 1 hour 10 minutes 3.5 to four 1 hour 35 minutes 1 60 minutes 20 minutes 4 to four.five 1 hour 45 minutes 1 hr 30 minutes four.5 to five 1 hour 55 minutes one hour 40 minutes five to 5.v 2 hours 5 minutes 1 hour 50 minutes 5.v to 6 2 hours fifteen minutes ii hours 6 to half dozen.five 2 hours 25 minutes 2 hours 10 minutes half-dozen.5 to seven 2 hours 35 minutes ii hours 20 minutes 7 to seven.v 2 hours 45 minutes ii hours thirty minutes NOTE: These times are for unstuffed whole (not spatchcocked) birds. Add together 15 minutes to the total cooking time if yous're roasting a stuffed craven. And as with the chicken itself, make sure the stuffing reaches a temperature of at to the lowest degree 165 degrees F (74 degrees C). A spatchcocked craven takes less time to roast. A 3-lb spatchcocked chicken roasted at 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) tin be washed in about 45 to 55 minutes. Effort this recipe for Butterflied Roast Chicken with Lemon and Rosemary. Favorite Roast Chicken Recipes Juicy Roasted Chicken Roast Craven with Rosemary Cornbread Blimp Chicken Lemon Stuffed Chicken Raisin Rice Blimp Chicken See all of our Roasted Chicken Recipes You lot might also similar: How to Cook Amazing Chicken  Roast Chicken Dinner four Unlike Ways How To Spatchcock And Roast The Juiciest Chicken E'er 8 Genius Tips from Jacques Pépin for Making Better Chicken eight No-Cook Meals You Can Make From Rotisserie Craven About Allrecipes Editors Your friends in the kitchen with expert answers to all your burning food questions. Because we've been there, washed that. 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Store address: Hida Tool & Hardware Co. 1333 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA 94702 (cantankerous street is Gilman Ave.)Store hours: 9:00 A.K. - vi:00 P.Yard (PST) Monday through Saturday. Airtight Dominicus. Contact Us (510) 524-3700 (800) 443-5512 (510) 524-3423 Information Nigh United states of america Learning Center About Japanese Tools Kezuro Kai Tour Wholesale Customers Privacy Policy Customer Service Contact The states Site Map Extras Brands Specials Account Login Order History Wish List Newsletter Hida Tool & Hardware Co., Inc. © 2019Recipe Lander Please click here if y'all are not redirected within a few seconds. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Yous must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. 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