
When Registering A Car In Dupage County Il Do You Have To Turn In The Old License Plates?

ane. Travelling by automobile at a high speed is an exciting experience. Car races attract a lot of spectators and racing drivers have crowds of admirers

a) Listen to the detective story "The Blue Star" about a racing driver, Mr. Finch, and his favourite car, "the Blue Star". Exist fix to reply the questions below. Try to notice an caption for Mr. Finch'due south decision.

iv Who offered Mr. Finch his help?

half dozen. Why didn't the old man desire Mr. Finch to have role in the race?

c) You are Mr. Finch. Tell your friends about the incident.

2. Can you drive a motorcar? Exercise you have a driving license? Do y'all remember information technology is hard to pass a driving test in society to get a driving license?

a) Mind to the story "A Driving Exam". So fill in the chart.

b) Check your answers with your teacher or groupmates.

c) Read the transcript of the text on p. 431. Look up the words you do not know in your lexicon.

1. Topic. The Museum of Land Transport

The authorities in your region have decided to open up a museum of land transport. Now you have the opportunity to depict your own project. Present information on:

i)the metropolis thou which the museum should be situated,

2) the edifice it volition be housed in;

iii) the types of land transport which should be included in the exhibition,

4) the vehicles of the by which will be shown in the museum.

5) the vehicles of the present which volition be shown in the museum,

6) transport engineers and scientists whose portraits should exist exhibited,

7) the people who will visit the museum;

eight) why you lot think the museum of country ship will exist popular.

two. Pairwork. Paul is crazy about cars. He is a member of a racing team. Today he has given a lift to Julia and Ann in the sports automobile he volition drive during the adjacent racing auto contest.

a) Mind to their conversation.

JULIA : What is your car speed during the races? PAUL. Up to 200-230 km/h.

ANN: So fast? But it seems to me that in boondocks yous bulldoze and then slowly. PAUL. The roads are crowded and you should be careful And as well I

recollect a day when I drove too fast. ANN: What happened and so?

PAUL: I was driving along the main road. All of a sudden a blue car shot

out of the side route. JULIA : Just in front of yous?

ANN: Without any warning? Was it possible to tedious down? PAUL: It was completely unexpected. I braked as difficult as I could. I stopped just in time. I was lucky in that location were no cars or trucks around me

Since that time I've never driven faster than 55-60 km/h in town.

JULIA: Then when in town you follow the proverb "Haste makes waste".

b) Complete the following dialogues.

I. A.: ...? 2. A : What happened?

� Upward to 80 km/h B:............

A.: So fast? .. A Just in front of yous?

� ............

� �.: How fast were y'all driving? �

A Did yous see anybody in front of you lot9


A. : Were there any cars around?

B. :........

3. Retrieve of some skillful answers to the following questions. The answers needn't exist true.

h Also big. half-dozen. I don't call up so.

2. I'g glad. 7. The inventor himself.

3. No, the same. eight. Engineers.

4. At once. ix. In the introduction.

v. Rather proficient. 10.1 think you are right.

4. a) You lot are preparing for a driving test. Say what a commuter must practice when he sees the following route signs.

b) A traffic inspector is examining a pupil who wants to get a driving license. The educatee can pass a driving exam if he gets five points. I betoken is given for each correct answer.

INSPECTOR: During the test yous testify eight road signs without legends and ask the commuter to explain what he must do when he sees them.

STUDENT: Endeavour to reply all the inspector's questions.

five. Discussion. The outset cars appeared on the roads at the end of the 19th century. Nowadays there are a lot of cars in the streets. In some towns it
is very difficult to notice parking. Nosotros can't imagine life without a car. At the aforementioned time driving a automobile causes a lot of problems. And so, is the automobile our friend or enemy?

a) Read the following arguments Call back of some more than

The car is our friend The car is our enemy
1. It saves our time 2. It carnes our luggage. 3. It gives us comfort while travelling. 4. It gives us the opportunity to travel and see the world effectually. 5. It brings help quickly (police force, ambulance, fire engines). one. It makes dissonance. 2. Information technology causes air pollution. 3. Many people are killed or injured in car accidents. 4. It causes traffic jams. 5. Y'all don't walk enough and information technology does harm to your health.

b) Talk over the trouble in groups of 3-5 students in guild to make a determination.

c) Fill in the chart and give your reasons.

Group 1 Group 2 Grouping three Group 4
The auto is our friend.
The car is our enemy.

READING Exercise

1. a) Transportation playi a very important role in modern world. In our everyday life we ukland transport maybe more often than any other means of ship Read the text "The History of Land Transport" and exist ready to practise the exercises that follow It



1. The word transport means to carry people or goods from place to place It is also used for the vehicles that carry people or goods - for example, motor transport includes buses, lorries, motor coaches and motor

cars. The American word for the same matter is transportation, and the remark "transportation is civilization" was made by an American, the motor-auto manufacturer Henry Ford.

The history of send is divided into ii stages. The first stage is that in which all forms of ship depaided directly on the power of men or animals or on natural forces such as winds and current. The second stage began with the evolution of the steam engine, which was followed by the electric motor and the internal combustion engine equally the principal sources of power for ship.

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